This article will guide you on how to create a strong password  

  • Length

    Make your passwords with a decent length so you can remember the password easily. We strongly recommend 12 or more characters.

  • Complexity
    Include alphabets, numbers and special characters (punctuation and symbols).
    Eg: e0MpLeXp@44w0rd+@r3=5@65

Make sure you utilize all the keys in your keyboard including small letters and capital letters as well.

  • Variation
    Change your passwords frequently. Set a reminder to remind yourself to change at least once every 3 months. Make it as a habit would be recommended.

Another golden tips is that AVOID creating passwords that is already in use or previous passwords :

  • Dictionary words
  • Sequences or repeated numbers: For eg: 123456, 111111, abcdefgh
  • Personal information: Birthday, driver’s license, passport number

Lastly do not share your password with anyone